Girls Are Getting Empowered Project (Life Skills Training Program for Girls) was developed with experts in the field as a modular and flexible training program aimed at psychological and social empowering girls of 14-18 age group living in the dormitories. The program is implemented by the teachers who work in the dormitories and who participated and gained certificate of the “Training of Trainer” seminar.


1,509 girls were benefited Health & Hygene Module, 179 girls benefited Effective Communication Skills Module and 80 girls benefited Education and Career Planning Seminar in 12 dormitories in 9 provinces within the scope of pilot implementations of empowering life-skills training program.

Two projects were implemented in secondary education dormitories for girls in cooperation with Aralık Association and AVON between January 2011 and December 2012. The improvements were carried out and a “common room” was set up for girls in each 26 dormitories.
The Life Skills Training Program was developed with experts in the field, 53 voluntary teachers were who in turn reached over 2.500 girls. Besides, 180 people were reached through Gender Equality Seminars for the teachers and NGO employees in 4 provinces.

The physical improvements were carried out in order to create a home-like environment for the girls to socialize and study.

Girls Are Getting Empowered Program was implemented as a pilot project in Dilnihat Özyeğin High School in cooperation with Psychology Department in Özyeğin University.


The program was decided to be implemented in more dormitories and the implementations started in 10 dormitories by 16 teachers.  588 girls in 10 dormitories benefited from 5 modules taught, mentioned below:

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Self-Care and Common Life
  3. Self-Confidence
  4. Gender Equality
  5. Career Planning


In 2017-2018 academic year, it was decided to implement the program in more dormitories through the training of new instructors.

The training program were conducted by the specialist-trainers in AÇEV,  Meltem Cantürk, Nursel Şafak, Ayşe Özdemir and Professor Asiye Kumru from Özyeğin University in subjects such as puberty, communication skills, self-care and common life, social gender inequality, sexual health and career planning and the new instructors gained the chance of implementing the modules during the training program.

The school and the dormitory principles were also hosted in Özyeğin University Campus during the training program. 21 principles talked about the students’ successes, the problems and their future working plans in the dormitories.

Between 21-25 August 2017, 27 voluntary teachers from 15 dormitories were trained as local instructors of a life-skills program and implemented the program.

  1. Ağrı Melek Pakize Erden Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  2. Amasya Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  3. Ardahan Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  4. Batman Düriye Neş’e Pekin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  5. Giresun/Espiye Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  6. Konya-Ereğli Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  7. Mardin/Midyat Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  8. Muş (2005) Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  9. Muş (2007) Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  10. Ordu Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  11. Samsun Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  12. Siirt Dirayet Süren Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  13. Şanlıurfa Dilnihat Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  14. Şanlıurfa-Viranşehir Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls
  15. Van-Erciş Ayşen Özyeğin Secondary Education Dormitory for Girls

684 girls were reached through the implementation of five modules in 15 dormitories between October 2017 and May 2018.

Moreover, seminars were organized, entitled “adolescent growth”, “understanding the adolescent and their needs”, “puberty and effective communication with the adolescent” and “effective communication skills”  in 4 high schools in İstanbul -Tepecik Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Anatolian High School, Alemdağ Tunç M. Çapa Anatolian High School, Kasımpaşa Dilnihat Özyeğin Anatolian High School, Sultanbeyli Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Anatolian High School- in cooperation with Özyeğin University Psyhology Department in 2017.